Rudra Pooja is an ancient practice followed in India since time immemorial. 'Rudra' means 'Shiva - the Benevolent', ' the Destroyer of Evil'. 'Pooja' means that which is born out of fullness. Through this Pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment


What is Rudra Puja?

Rudra Pooja is an ancient practice followed in India since time immemorial. ‘Rudra’ means ‘Shiva - the Benevolent', ' the Destroyer of Evil'. 'Pooja' means that which is born out of fullness. Through this Pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment. In this Pooja, Lord Shiva is worshipped in his Rudra form.

It is hailed by all Vedic scriptures as one of the greatest Poojas to remove all evils, to attain all desires and for all-round prosperity. Scriptures on Astrology prescribe this emphatically as a remedy for several planetary doshas.

Satarudriyam or Sri Rudradhyayam is the very essence of all Veda branches (Sakhas). Hence it is also known as Sri Rudropanishad. Principally, this Rudradhyayam, which forms the fifth Prasna in the fourth Kanda of Krishna Yajurveda, is a composition describing the greatness of Sri Parameswara, with universe as his form and his transcendence beyond the manifest universe, and extolling him and seeking his grace.

Why Do Rudra Pooja

The world is a play of energy: negative and positive. When we pray to Shiva – the Lord of transformation - the entire negative energy around us in form of disease, depression, and unhappiness gets transformed into peace, prosperity and joy. Then peace surrounds us in body, mind and soul.

It is certain that through the grace of the Supreme Lord, pleased with this prayer, one can attain all fruits required in the human birth – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

How is the Pooja Performed?

This Pooja is performed with a crystal 'linga'. Each ancient mantra that is chanted gets absorbed in materials like curd, milk, ghee, honey etc. which are used as offerings in the Pooja. It is then offered to Lord Shiva with reverence, love and gratitude. Specially trained Pandits and Veda students from the Veda Agama (Vedic school) perform this special Pooja. The chanting of the mantras is so pure and meditative that it takes one to a different plane.

However it has been the practice all over our Bharatadesa from Himalayas to Ramasethu to chant, along with Sri Rudradhyayam, the ‘Chamakam’, which has mantras in eleven Anuvakas, and which lists the fruits required here and hereafter, as shown to us by Veda Matha herself. As mentioned by the Gitacharya, ‘यज्ञानां जपयज्ञोऽस्मि’, it is the general practice to chant this Rudradhyayam during Poojas performed daily and occasionally. When this is chanted in multiples of 11 * 11, Japa Yagnas like Sri Rudraikadasini, Maharudram and Atirudram result. When Sri Rudra Japa yagna is performed with Sankalpam for special fruits, suitable Homa and Tarpanas are also included. The special feature of Sri Rudradhyayam is the way the three hundred names of Sri Parameswara are woven in twos or threes with ‘Namah’ before and after the names. Further the other speciality is the phrase of Siva Panchakshara ‘Namah Sivaya cha’ occurring in the eighth Anuvaka. It also makes us feel that this Rudradhyayam has been the forerunner for the many future Ashtottara Satanama and Sahasranama stotras. It is very creditable to chant this part of Veda with proper pronunciation and intonation (svara) together with understanding of meaning.

This Pooja is performed with a crystal 'linga'. Each ancient mantra that is chanted gets absorbed in materials like curd, milk, ghee, honey etc. which are used as offerings in the Pooja. It is then offered to Lord Shiva with reverence, love and gratitude. Specially trained Pandits and Veda students from the Veda Agama (Vedic school) perform this special Pooja. The chanting of the mantras is so pure and meditative that it takes one to a different plane.

However it has been the practice all over our Bharatadesa from Himalayas to Ramasethu to chant, along with Sri Rudradhyayam, the ‘Chamakam’, which has mantras in eleven Anuvakas, and which lists the fruits required here and hereafter, as shown to us by Veda Matha herself. As mentioned by the Gitacharya, ‘यज्ञानां जपयज्ञोऽस्मि’, it is the general practice to chant this Rudradhyayam during Poojas performed daily and occasionally. When this is chanted in multiples of 11 * 11, Japa Yagnas like Sri Rudraikadasini, Maharudram and Atirudram result. When Sri Rudra Japa yagna is performed with Sankalpam for special fruits, suitable Homa and Tarpanas are also included. The special feature of Sri Rudradhyayam is the way the three hundred names of Sri Parameswara are woven in twos or threes with ‘Namah’ before and after the names. Further the other speciality is the phrase of Siva Panchakshara ‘Namah Sivaya cha’ occurring in the eighth Anuvaka. It also makes us feel that this Rudradhyayam has been the forerunner for the many future Ashtottara Satanama and Sahasranama stotras. It is very creditable to chant this part of Veda with proper pronunciation and intonation (svara) together with understanding of meaning.

Significance of Rudra Puja

The immaculate Vedas which stands as a repository of eternal wisdom is the bestower of unalloyed bliss. Bruhadaranyakopanishad reveals that these Vedas are the breath of the almighty. "अस्तो मासः प्रथम निविदितमात्मनस्तपसः" Every mantra of these Vedas not only purify the atmosphere but also brings serenity to the lives of every human being. Shastras proclaim that Vedas are the greatest among all knowledge and in that SHREE RUDRAM consisting 11 Anuvakas is very great. In that SHREE RUDRAM the Panchakshari "नम: शिवाय" shines as a crest jewel and in this Panchakshari the two letters Shiva stands as the pre-dominant one. "विश्वेश्वराय देवाधिपतये ब्रह्मा । जय खम्मानं मानं मायं ईश्वरयाय ॥" Just as tree’s branches, leaves and others get the strength through watering the roots of it, in the same manner all the Devatas (celestials) are pleased by the chant of Shree Rudram which stands as the root of Vedas.

यथ्वा दूममयेना प्राणः: पृथ्वीं व वेदा । जित्वा ध्वस्तायाम गीता ज्वाला वायव: ततः ॥

SHREE RUDRAM consists of two parts – Namakam and Chamakam, with each part having 11 parts or “Anuvakas”. The recital of 11 Namakas along with one Anuvaka of Chamakam at the end of each Namakam, constitutes one Rudram. Recital of 11 Rudrams is one Rudraikadashini. Recital of 11 Rudraikadashini is one Maharudram and when 11 Maharudrams are recited it constitutes one Athirudram. Therefore, in Athirudram 14641 Namakams and 1331 Chamakams. This divine event will be conducted by 121 vedic pundits with homa, Rudrabhishekam and other related rituals over a period of 11 days. Athirudram is ultimate when it comes to worshipping Lord shiva and the benefits of this Maha Yagnam are multi-fold.

The continuous chant of SHREE RUDRAM thus would surely remove all the evils, difficulties, miseries, ailments, sufferings and would sanctify the seeker which would in turn make him to lead a happy life and further make him realise the eternal enlightenment. By keeping this in mind with Benign blessings of Jagadguru Shri Adi Shankaracharya and Parameshwara an ATHIRUDRA MAHA YAGNA is being proposed by our SHREE RUDRAM (R) trust during December 2018 for “Loka Kalyanam” – Universal well-being.

Blissful Experience

Immerse yourself in a serene atmosphere, where the divine vibrations of pujas elevate your spirit and bring profound inner peace. Each ceremony is designed to uplift and rejuvenate, leaving you with a sense of divine bliss.

Meticulous Chanting

Every chant during the Rudra puja is recited with precision and devotion, ensuring the purity and efficacy of the rituals. Our dedicated priests maintain the sanctity and accuracy of the mantras, enhancing the spiritual potency of the puja.

As per Shastra

Pujas are conducted strictly in accordance with ancient Vedic scriptures, preserving the authenticity and integrity of the rituals. We adhere to the traditional guidelines, ensuring that each ceremony is performed with utmost respect to the shastras.

Performance with Reverence

Our priests approach each puja with deep reverence and devotion, creating a sacred space for spiritual transformation. The rituals are performed with heartfelt dedication, inviting divine grace and blessings into your life.

Vaidic Dharma Sansthan | Events
Register for Events
Details Date Time Seva Venue Activity Action
One Time16 Jul 20224:30 pm Shravan Masa Rudra Puja
Ushanchal, BhagalpurShravan Masa-Rudra Puja Register
One Time29 Jul 20226:30 pm Rudra Puja
Vasad AshramPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time2 Aug 20236:00 pm Shravan Masa
TOKShravan Masa-Rudra Puja Register
One Time3 Aug 20239:30 am Puja Rudra
Rambha NiwasShravan Masa-Rudra Puja Register
One Time8 Sep 20237:00 am Puja
Nuabazar ParadipPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time5 Apr 20246:00 pm Samuhik Rudra Puja
Art of Living Siliguri AshramPuja-Rudra Puja Register
Daily 7 Jun 2024 to 31 Jan 20267:00 am NITYA RUDRA PUJA @TOK Mohali Temple
Daily 13 Dec 2024 to 31 Mar 20257:00 am Puja
VIDARBHA ASHRAMPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time15 Mar 20258:30 am Samuhik Rudra Puja @Pimple Saudagar
Ganesham Phase 2,Near Govind Garden HotelPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time17 Mar 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time17 Mar 20257:00 am Samuhik Somvaar Rudra Puja @ Triveni Ashram
Triveni AshramPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time24 Mar 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time24 Mar 20257:00 am Samuhik Somvaar Rudra Puja @ Triveni Ashram
Triveni AshramPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time31 Mar 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time31 Mar 20257:00 am Samuhik Somvaar Rudra Puja @ Triveni Ashram
Triveni AshramPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time7 Apr 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time14 Apr 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time21 Apr 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time28 Apr 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time5 May 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time12 May 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time19 May 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time26 May 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time2 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time9 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time16 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time23 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time23 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time30 Jun 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time7 Jul 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time14 Jul 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time21 Jul 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time28 Jul 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time4 Aug 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time11 Aug 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time18 Aug 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time25 Aug 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time1 Sep 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time8 Sep 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time15 Sep 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time13 Oct 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time20 Oct 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time27 Oct 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time3 Nov 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time10 Nov 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time17 Nov 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time24 Nov 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time1 Dec 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time8 Dec 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time15 Dec 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time22 Dec 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register
One Time29 Dec 20257:00 am Monday Rudra puja
Vishalakshi MantapPuja-Rudra Puja Register