Mahalaya Amavasya

Q: Today is Mahalaya Amavasya. What is the meaning of Mahalaya, and what is its significance?

Gurudev : All the people who have lived in this world have merged. We say they have become one with Brahman, or that they have merged with the infinite. In remembrance of those who have passed and merged with the eternal, we observe the day of Mahalaya Amavasya. On this day, we remember our ancestors and offer them gratitude. They are our source. It is because of these individuals, these souls, that you are here today. A feeling of deep gratitude should awaken within you for all of them. Engage in acts of service. This is the essence of Mahalaya Amavasya. We offer Tarpan to them, meaning – we wish for their fulfillment and satisfaction. The sentiment is, “May I accomplish such work in this world that brings you joy.” This is the spirit behind observing Mahalaya Amavasya.

And then, from tomorrow, Navaratri begins. During Navratri, we worship the nine forms of Durga, a tradition that has been followed for thousands of years. What does this do? It keeps our ancient practices, our Sanatan Dharma, alive. Not only this, but the individual benefits and the impact it has on society are indescribable and beyond comprehension. The effects of mantras, of meditation, and worship are beyond words. They cannot be described. They are inconceivable and cannot be grasped by thought. The power of mantras is said to be beyond comprehension; it is beyond thought. It is something that cannot be understood through thinking. The waves that arise from listening to mantras are enough. Whether one understands their meaning or not is secondary.

Upcoming Mahalaya Amavasya Special Vaidic Events

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  1. Mahalaya Amavasya spl Tarpan (On Zoom) | 2 oct | 12 PM
  2. Mahalaya Amavasya spl Gau Puja |2 oct | 5:30 PM
  3. Mahalaya Amavasya spl Pratyangira Homa |2 oct | 8:30 AM
  4. Mahalaya Amavashya spl Rudra Puja |2 oct | 9:00 AM