The Vishnu Sahasranama contain the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu. Chanting the Vishnu Sahasranam calms down your mind and sharpens your focus in life. Reading every name of Lord Vishnu helps you boost your inner energies which further increases your focus. This helps you meditate better.
Offline Sankalpa Time: 30 min before Puja starting time
Kindly Note: Shuttle service will not be available for Puja/Homa.
For timely updates on Bangalore Ashram Puja/Homa, kindly join VDS WhatsApp.
Sankalpa participants of Samuhik Puja/Homa can attend physically at Bangalore Ashram. If you choose the Attending Personally option as NO, then our Pandit ji will take Sankalpa on your behalf.
Bangalore Ashram Puja/Homa will be live on Watch Live on YouTube.
Date, timings, venue & personal attendance are subject to change.
Gurudevs presence may also change according to his travel schedule.
Kindly contact [email protected] / 9035066893 for payments & receipt-related issues.
Sankalpa Details
- Description :Tulsi Archana
- Amount : Rs.500/-
- Entry for : 1 person(s)
Sankalpa on Behalf & Prasadam
- Can i attend In-Person at the venue?
- Yes ! If you have selected the options as Yes for Attending in Person during the time of payment.
- Note : Date, Timings, Venue are subject to change.
- I could not attend personally can i still take sankalpa and register for this seva?
Yes Sankalpa will happen In-Person mode and Pundits will take sankalpa on behalf of all those who cannot attend personally - Bangalore Ashram Pujas & Homa
- Visit Vaidicpujas Youtube to watch the regular puja and homa that are live from Bangalore Ashram
- For special online events the links will be updated in your respective email or you can reach out to the organiser/coordinator for more details
- Can the prasadam be sent as a courier?
No This option is not available for this seva
- Host Name
- Mobile Number
AOL Teacher Code
VDS Events Coordinator
Mobile Number