3 - Seemantonayanam Samskara
Seemantonayanam Samskara is the third Samskara performed ideally in the 7/8th month of pregnancy. The significance of the ritual is to ensure a safe delivery and to keep the mother happy.
As the date of delivery comes closer, many physical and hormonal changes start to happen in mother’s body. The almost fully-grown baby also goes through changes. The word Seemantonayanam suggests the same. Seema means boundary ant means end ann means to open while nayan means eyes. Hence, the literal meaning of Seemantonayanam is to open your eyes and transcend the boundaries & limitations.
The ceremony is performed to purify the atmosphere where mother will be staying with the baby after giving birth. Family members invite friends and relatives of the woman. They meet, acknowledge and satisfy the all the desires of the expectant woman. They give gifts to the mother and the baby. The idea behind this is to ensure that the mother is content in all respects.