Lalitha Sahasranama Chanting
What is Lalita Sahasranama?
Lalita Sahasranama (thousand names of goddess Lalitha) is an ancient Sanskrit text praising the virtues, aspects, greatness and manifestations of Mother Divine. It is believed if recited with devotion Sri Lalitha, the Mother Divine fulfills both spiritual and materiel aspirations, and bestows Karya Siddhi (fortune of getting good things done successfully).
There is no prayer similar to this one, which would give both pleasure and salvation. For ones recite these thousand names get both pleasures as well as salvation. It is can also chanted with a specific desire in mind. When chanted by a lady, it has a very positive effect on the household and the family relationships.
Lalita Sahasranama chanting also harmonizes any negative effects that might come due to rituals or pujas that were not completed, or that were not performed in right manner. Merits earned by chanting is considered equivalent to the merit earned by visiting places of pilgrimage, for those who are unable to visit these places.

Mantra Kavach
“It is unscientific and not wise to think that a mantra does not do anything to your body. That is not the case! It does. Mantras bring out all the positive energy inside you. That is why it is called mantra kavach; a mantra creates the sense of armor around your body”
Space of Lalita
Lalita is the joyful, dynamic and scintillating expression of the Self; a free consciousness, without craving and aversions, well-founded in the Self, naturally ecstatic and vibrant. Sri Lalitais perceived as the purest one and as the embodiment of unimaginable beauty, innocence and compassion.
Thousand Names
In the Lalita Sahasranama, we chant a thousand names of the Divine Mother. Names have significance, if we remember a sandalwood tree, we carry the memory of its perfume. Each name of the Divine in the Sahasranama refers to different quality or attribute of the Divine.
Chanting the Sahasranama is a ritual by itself. It purifies the mind and uplifts the consciousness. These chants capture our wandering mind; the mind becomes one-pointed and focused on divinity and its attributes. This relaxes the nervous system. Relief from malefic effects of planets or evil spirits can be attained by chanting the Sahasranama. Devi protects from dangers and from attacks by enemies; victory in battle is achieved. If one chants these names without any desires or attachments gets the knowledge of Brahman and is released from the bonds of life.
Bhasa Saundarya
The Saharasnama has Bhasha Saundarya (pleasant lyrics). The language is beautiful and has a deeper meaning, for example - Lotus-eyed signifies beautiful and pure vision; a lotus grows in the mud yet it is beautiful and pure. The lotus-eyed one can live in this world and see beauty and purity despite of all its challenges.

Chanting the thousand names of Devi enlivens the qualities within us. We also gain the ability to see and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. This leads to a content and prosperous existence. We are grateful to our ancient seers who by worshipping the divinity in all its diverse qualities showed us the way to lead an all-inclusive life.
Lalitha Sahasranama shares an insight on the different qualities of the manifested Divinity. Several descriptions of the attributes have been beautifully threaded together. It is an expression of the multiple dimensions of the eternal divinity.
We have come to this planet for a beautiful and higher purpose. When chanted with awareness and faith, Sri Lalita brings refinement in the consciousness and dawns positivity, dynamism, and joy. So, not only we ourselves experience joy and ecstasy but also spread the happiness in the society.