Vaidic ceremony for World Peace
Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga
We are pleased to annouce... Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga is happening at Bengaluru ashram in the physical presence of Param Pujya Gurudev between October 8-26, simultaneously with Navratri celebrations.
Sri Rudram is the most sacred means of worshipping Lord Shiva. 'Ati' means "ultimate". Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga is powerful and highest form of worship to Lord Shiva ... being conducted for the purpose of 'Loka Kalyana' enhancing the welfare of all beings, universal peace and prosperity.
Chanting Sri Rudram enlightens an individual’s mind, body, and the intellect. Enlightenment leads to peace within and in the entire creation. Atirudram is a destroyer of all sorrows and the provider of 'Kshema'."
It is a very rare opportunity to participate in or witness " Ati Rudra Maha Yaga " in one’s lifetime.
This Mahayaga includes recitations of Sri Rudraprashnam for 14,641 times, 1331 recitations if Chamakaprashnam and 144 times of Rudra Yagas , invoking the mighty Lord Sri Rudra for wellbeing of the creation. Simultaneously with Rudrabhisheka, Rudra Homas are conducted by over 65 priests well versed in Vaidic rituals in 3 Homa Kundas constructed for this purpose. A Linga is installed especially for the purpose of conducting Rudrabhishekam continuously.
The highlights of The Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga:
✓First 15 days, Sri Rudra Parayan (by 65 Vaidic pundits for 18 times per day) and Abhishekam.
✓Next 4 days, Sri Rudra Homa by 33 pundits in 3 Homa Kundas.
✓Sarva Veda Parayana
✓Due to lockdown, all sankalpa will happen ONLINE only. Pundits shall do sankalpa on your behalf.
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Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga Sankalpa

Samvardhan Sankalpa
This Sankalpa includes 8th Oct to 26th Oct complete Sri Rudra Parayanam, Abhishekam and Yaaga (Homa). It also includes Anna daan, Samagri daan & Vastra daan.

Sampurna Sankalpa
- This Sankalpa includes 8th Oct to 26th Oct complete Sri Rudra Parayanam, Abhishekam and Yaaga (Homa).

Sri Rudra Parayanam & Abhishekam
- Sri Rudra Parayanam & Abhishekam - 18 times by 55 students.

Sri Rudra Yaga
- Sri Rudra Yaaga - 33 Pundits
Sri Ati Rudra Maha Yaga Donation